"No pasarán", por Carlos Fonseca Terán

Por Carlos Fonseca Terán Ahora le tocó el turno a Nicaragua; un país con…

Lula: Manifest to the People of Brazil

For two months now, I have been unjustly incarcerated without having committed…

Lula: Manifesto ao Povo Brasileiro

Há dois meses estou preso, injustamente, sem ter cometido crime nenhum. Há…

A prisão de Lula não aprisiona a candidatura

O ex-presidente Lula teve a condenação confirmada em segunda instância. Ainda…

Lula’s imprisonment does not imprison the candidacy

Former President Lula had his sentence confirmed by a court of appeals. Other…

Why do we not let go of Lula’s candidacy

Gleisi Hoffmann, Senator and National President of the Workers' Party (PT)…