Movement for Social Justice Expresses Solidarity with Parties of the Sao Paulo Forum: Victories in Latin America Against Neo-liberalism!

The Movement for Social Justice (MSJ) of Trinidad and Tobago expresses our solidarity with Parties of the Sao Paulo Forum, progressive social movements and the people of Latin America in the very important struggles and victories against neo-liberalism. While each struggle and each victory has its own particularities, what is common is that the people in each country have rejected the agenda of neo-liberalism and neo-fascism. In particular, the people have said that they reject austerity, privatisation, and the huge inequality that is a characteristic of neo-liberalism. 

 These victories have also been achieved against very powerful forces of the right – both internally and externally; and have required great courage, strength and unity. In the face of the reversals that have occurred over the past several years, we are now seeing re-energised progressive and left forces that can challenge and defeat the right.

The MSJ applauds the victories of:

  • The people of Bolivia and of the Movement for Socialism (MAS) and its leader, Evo Morales, on his re-election as President of Bolivia. The MSJ condemns the actions of the right wing who refused to accept Evo’s victory and rather than engage in dialogue and unity which are integral to the democratic process, instead started a campaign of violence including attacks on the offices of the Electoral Council. Such actions are the hallmark of neo-fascism which rejects democracy while speaking in the name of democracy. We are confident that the Bolivian people and progressive social movements together with their party, the MAS, and under the guidance of President Evo Morales, will overcome these attacks and ensure that Bolivia continues along a path of progress, social justice and prosperity for all.
  • The people of Argentina and of the Broad Front coalition led by Alberto Fernandez and Cristina Fernandez Kirchner on their tremendous victory in the Presidential elections. This victory is especially significant since it meant the defeat of the right wing, Macri, who was the incumbent President. Under Macri, neo-liberal policies were implemented resulting in a huge crisis. Unemployment increased, inflation skyrocketed, social security programmes were decimated, privatisations took place with the result being austerity and the rapidly deteriorating condition of workers and other sectors of the Argentinian society. This election was therefore a battle between neo-liberalism and progressive policies for social justice.
  • Progressive policies won! The defeat of Macri was also a defeat for the agenda of US imperialism as President elect Fernandez stated very clearly long before the elections that once elected, Argentina would exit the US organised Lima Group and support the Montevideo Mechanism promoted by Mexico, Uruguay and the majority of the Caribbean Community (Caricom).
  • The people of Ecuador – the indigenous people and workers and farmers and students – who engaged in a militant and brave struggle against the neo-liberal policies of the Moreno government and the International Monetary Fund (IMF). These policies of austerity were immediately resisted and people took disciplined mass action to stop the government. The heroic people of Ecuador put their lives on the line: many were killed; hundreds were injured; many more were arrested; yet none of this state violence could break the spirit of the people united. After many days of fierce struggle, the people won! The government ended the IMF programme, reversed its policies of increasing fuel prices and was forced to meet with representatives of the people to arrive at a non-neo-liberal policy to address the country’s economic and social situation. We are of the firm belief that this is but the first step and that it is only a matter of time that the right wing loses power in Ecuador.
  • The people of Chile who have been engaged in a massive protest against neo-liberalism and austerity. Chile has long been touted as a model of success of neo-liberalism. However, the reality of what neo-liberalism does to the lives of working people, the poor, the unemployed, youth and students, farmers and other sectors of the 90% of society is now very evident in Chile. The people of Chile have, through their intense struggles, destroyed the myths about neo-liberalism bringing prosperity to the people.
  • The people of Colombia who have, in the face of assassinations and the violation of the peace agreements, made significant gains by electing progressive people in the recent municipal and local elections. This is a sign of change that is sure to come.
  • The people of Uruguay that have signalled in the first round of presidential elections that they wish to see the continuation of progressive policies and that they reject the right wing and neo-liberalism..

The MSJ is confident that the people of Latin America will continue their long march towards social justice and will defend their independence and sovereignty and, in doing so, will overcome all the obstacles and setbacks that they face. Certainly, the recent struggles and victories give us much hope for the future!

Movement for Social Justice

David Abdulah
Political Leader